A photo of me

Halden Lin

Hi. I'm a Research Engineer at Apple . I've built visualization frameworks, data tools, and interactive articles for Apple's Platforms and the web.

I like to prototype. I like to polish those prototypes into products. I like refining the small details that make something great instead of good.

Before Apple, I was a part of the Interactive Data Lab at the University of Washington, where I completed my MS degree, working with Jeff Heer.

Here are some things I've worked on.

Swift Charts

Beautiful charts on Apple Devices, both at Apple and for 3rd party developers

Human Interface
Guidelines for Charts

Design guidelines for if, when, and how you should use charts in your apps

Menstrual cycle length
and variability: a visual explanation

Learn about the Apple Women's Health Study's findings on menstrual cycle length and variability

The Hidden Cost
of Digital Consumption

How does information get to your screen, and at what environmental cost?

And a few other things of note

I gave a talk on designing charts at WWDC 2022: Design an Effective Chart with Lilian De Greef

I published a paper at ACM CHI 2020: Dziban: Balancing Agency & Automation in Visualization Design via Anchored Recommendations with Dominik Moritz and Jeffrey Heer

I presented a poster at IEEE VIS 2018: Visualizing Attention in Sequence-to-Sequence Summarization Models with Tongshuang Wu, Kanit Wongsuphasawat, Yejin Choi, and Jeffrey Heer